Grassi Investment Services

At Grassi Investment Management, LLC we believe in providing the highest level of personalized service for each client. As a family owned company we place emphasis on building relationships through trust and communication and like to keep our clients continuously informed as to the status of their portfolios.
Customized Portfolio Construction

We customize each client’s portfolios based upon their own specific set of investment objectives regarding, growth, income and preservation of capital and seek to understand their unique circumstances, risk tolerance and investment horizon. These objectives help us establish an asset allocation and define risk parameters.


Each of our clients receives quarterly statements including realized gains/losses, time weighted performance and bond maturities. Additionally, we work alongside estate attorneys and accountants to provide seamless service for all our client’s financial needs. Each client is also provided with a secure login identification for online access to our website to obtain portfolio reports and appraisals.

Portfolio Management

We monitor each position in the portfolios on a daily basis and actively manage our portfolios based upon market conditions. We meet with clients often to revisit their investment objectives and discuss rebalancing portfolios. We manage many different kinds of portfolios for individuals, institutions and charitable organizations including but not limited to:

⦁ Individuals
⦁ Taxable Accounts
⦁ Retirement Accounts
⦁ Partnerships & Trusts
⦁ Business Related Accounts
⦁ Institutions
⦁ Defined Benefit Plans
⦁ Defined Contribution Plans
⦁ 401(k), 401(a), 403(b) & 457 plans
⦁ Profit Sharing Plans
⦁ Charitable Organizations
⦁ Foundations
⦁ Endowments

We work closely with our clients to make sure all their financial needs are fully met and when necessary, we can leverage our vast network of experienced professionals that we work with on an on-going basis.